Monday, December 6, 2010

I Heart Faces Contest.

Over at I heart faces, this weeks photo contest is Self Portrait.  So here's my entry!

So, many of you are probably asking yourself, just how in the world I managed THIS one.  I needed a nice self portrait for my up and coming website, so I decided to {attempt} it myself.  This was NOT very well thought out, as you can see I like LOVE to laugh at myself, but wound up coming out quite nice.  Earlier in the year, I purchased a vinyl backdrop from Joanne Fabrics for a baby shoot.  I tacked it up on my wall about eye level, set my camera up on my tripod,  used a floor fan to pre-focus my shot, set the 10 sec timer and started laughing away! at myself mind you...  It took several million  photos later until I acquired the look I was going for. 


  1. It's a great photo! And thank you for posting the behind the scenes info! That's always helpful!

  2. So happy and carefree! Great pic.

  3. great smile! Truly is a lovely image :)
